Enabling you to protect your most valuable assets - each other

The responsibility of managing wealth can create cracks in even the most tight-knit family

Learn About Our Process

Before addressing governance matters such as family charters, estate and legacy planning and trusts structures we first lay the foundation needed for success. This is achieved through the Plenitude Process which follows 4 phases - “Me – We – Where – How”.   
We begin each assignment with a “Family Strength Assessment” completed by all adult family members. Developed by Plenitude Partners, this assesses the strength of the family across 8 essential indicators including relational health, succession readiness, family education and governance. We then develop a Family Strength Profile which ensures the most important needs are agreed by the family and are addressed through the process.  

What we do

The Plenitude Journey


In the ME phase we begin with understanding each family member, helping them develop self-awareness and to consider their future in the family, the business or elsewhere.


In the WE phase we bring the family together to build communication skills, and to foster deeper trust which is underpinned by shared values and a healthy culture.


In the WHERE phase we focus on clarifying vision and purpose for individuals, each branch and the family collectively. This includes deciding your impact objectives and articulating the legacy you wish to create. In this phase it is essential to understand and accommodate both individual and collective aspirations otherwise the process fails.


Finally, we work on HOW to achieve your goals which involves family governance matters, estate planning, succession planning and more. In this phase we work closely with your specialist advisors so that they are aligned together in their efforts to achieve your objectives.

The ME, WE, WHERE, HOW process is unique and truly transformative. It strengthens families to be more resilient and equips each family member to flourish.

We empower families to use wealth to deliver more of what matters

While every family is unique, we typically work with a family, family office and family foundation to:

  • Embed the purpose and core family values into the culture and practices of your family and all who represent its interests.
  • Develop a philanthropic and social impact strategy which engages family members, shapes values and supports them as they learn how best to use their resources to serve society and especially those who are less privileged.
  • Create governance mechanisms which support healthy family relationships, including family charters or constitutions, family councils and meetings, codes of conduct and communication practices.
  • Resolve conflict and tension which threaten the unity and impact of the family.
  • Prepare succession plans which improve the success of wealth transition.

We can help your family come together and stay together so you can create more of what matters in life. More meaning, clearer purpose, stronger relationships and more fulfillment from stewarding family wealth in service of others.

“My sincere appreciation for the work you’ve done with my family… As the new year unfolds I reflect on their growth, maturity and clarity of purpose. I attribute this to the conversations you’ve had with them.”

Giving pledge family, Africa

Trusted professionals providing expert advice

Our best in class professionals work with you and your existing advisers.


No single firm has all the capabilities you need. Plenitude Partners works with and complements family offices and professional advisors including wealth managers, lawyers, bankers, estate planners and accountants.


While other advisors tend to focus on the ‘transactional and mechanical’ aspects of wealth management, we focus on the ‘mission’ which drives the mechanics. And by crystallising your purpose and values, your advisors are better able to align their advice to deliver what matters to you.


We take a holistic view of your needs and deliver through a network of trusted specialists around the world, matching you with the best possible service providers in each field at just the right time. This includes mentors, family governance practitioners, philanthropic advisors, communications specialists and more.

“Wealth… not the least of its virtues is that it destroys base people as certainly as it fortifies and dignifies noble people.”

George Bernard Shaw, Ireland
The accumulation of wealth may begin with a desire to “set the family up” for generations of opportunity and prosperity. But too many excel in business and wealth creation only to falter or even fail as a family. The breakdown of the family unit – the custodian of family wealth – leads to the fragmentation and eventual erosion of wealth. Usually, as the popular saying goes, within three generations.

A fractured family is a tragic reward for financial success, and fractured families are less able to steward wealth over time.